Active Transition Brand
How we Reinvest Profits from Sales so we can Be the Change Together

Step 1
We source fabric which is local to our tailors and used commonly in main-stream fashion. Our directive is that we will never use fresh polyester fabric.
Wherever we can, Step 1 is always done through a trusted Mill Dye Plant in Jaipur, where there are regularly checked protective methods and filtering systems in place.

Step 3
With Organic Fabric we oversee a dyeing process using Low - Impact or Natural Plant Dye.

Step 4
Using Organic Certified Fabric, dyed with Low-impact or Natural Dye, we stitch the whole piece of clothing using Eco-Cert Bio-Degradable Threads.

Level 5
A 5 Rating is the highest level we are aiming to reach so far.
(Though even as I type this I can feel there are further horizons coming)
This is a fabric whose crop is not only non-toxic, but enhances the natural local environment as it is beneficial for the soil, the insects, the birds.
Level 5 garments must be Plant Dyed only.
