The Grass Roots ...
Earth:rise is made up of an ever evolving collective of heart centered and hard working folk who have gathered in fields across the UK for the past 7 years.
We are a female run enterprise, working with talented men and women in the UK and India.
The Team Overseas ...
From tailors, to managers, to pattern masters, to the people who are the glue between all the of the pieces, we are blessed to work with a collection of fathers, brothers, sons and friends who are all masters or apprentices in their trade.
We work with a collection of small independently run factories, otherwise known as cottage industries, and are focused upon supporting families and growing fair employment in India.

These are the steps we have walked so far...

Why ?
As a people we need to wake up to the power of our actions to evoke change. For and with the young, we must walk the most conscious path.
We are part of a world wide community of people who can, if supported, love their own bodies and feel themselves a valuable part of the world tribe.
We are part of a world wide community of insects, plants, birds and animals who are waiting for us to wake up and do what we can to restore a sense of harmony to the living world.
It is clear we are living in a time when commerce has become the dominant culture. So we must work within that framework to have collective impact upon these destructive industries as a whole.
Humanity will always evolve. It is up to us to not only have front row seats, but to be the ones on the stage of evolution itself. ​​​
Keeping Artisans Alive
The knock on effect which the past 4 years have had upon small family industries in northern India is one which is seeing more and more talented workers unemployed.
U.K. and other western countries, upon facing cut backs in the faith to spend money as freely, mean that jobs are disappearing in the east and the quality of life for many is falling.
We see the importance of supporting mall independent factories first hand. Each tailor and worker is connected to the supporting of wives, children and elders. Through the simple act of purchasing our ethically made clothing, you are in fact directly supporting the lives of families across the world.