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A Clothing Brand
That Asks Questions 

Welcome to our Eco-Active clothing brand. Where we mix innovative design with earth friendly actions ... 


... and every purchase is another step into a world we want to know. 


hemp nourishes the soil & supports bio-diversity 

Shop Our
Hempim Jackets

and be an active part of bring hemp back to the world's fields 


Dyed with the Power of Plants

Grown in fields full of weeds and butterflies

Active Transition Brand

​Be an active part of making change and evolution within the clothing industry.


A future which supports biodiversity

The consumers become the change makers

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Together We Are the Change

Meet us here for the Gentle Revolution

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From Seed to Skin

Once upon a time we used to grow clothing crops in harmony with the whole of nature's community. Think how good it must feel to wear clothing which you know has been grown and made in balance with the insects, creatures, plants and humans through whose habitat it has passed to reach You. 


From the Seed that turns in the Earth to the Path that you walk within your own Skin.


Every Step Counts.